Hannah Missionary Photo

Hannah Missionary Photo

Week 18 - ...Ugghh, Cockroaches

This week was the week of the word we´ve all been anticipating.... 


He the noticas (news) Me and Sister Hayes are staying together for one more transfer!!!!! I get her during christmas and you all get to see her!! HALALEUIA!  :) 
She is theee best!!!! 
We are both so excited to get to do one more transfer of HARD WORK here in Lisboa, Portugal!!!!! 

As for our District elders, 
Clark Kent is being sent to bigger and better places..
AKA super Elder, Elder De Pina is leaving to be Assistent to the President of the mission!! I´m so happy and excited for him but at the same time can´t help but going to miss him in our district! He has all the answers and is one of the most amazing missionaries/people I´ve ever met!!! He´s going to help the President do great things for our mission! 

We are SO excited to be on this amazing army of helaman and drafting more and more recruits to come with us on the path and side of righteousness each and every day. 

This week has been so wonderful!!! 3 of my investigators have a date to be baptized!! Woohoo! :) Couldn´t be more excited about this! and we are trying to get this ward that we have more integrated as well which is a working progress but we´re tryin! 
Other things this week...................

This investigators house we go to is just infested with cockroaches... and I just kind of have an anxiety attack everytime we go there praying every second while we´re in there that one won´t crawl on me. well 2 days ago it did!!! I crawled onto my hand from my bag and I just jumped up of my chair and all the investigator says is "what it likes you.." hahaha ahhh I pretty much threw up in my mouth.


I could be your herrooo!!!!!  I can see it in your eyes, is it me your lookin for??

Do Crazy Portuguese men sing this at the top of their lungs to me and sister Hayes while we´re walking past them?...................


Yes they do.

Is this normal behavior here in Portugal?


Yes it is. 

Nossa Senhora!
Eu amo a vida da missionaria. (I love the life of a missionary!!)

Com toda minha coração

Sister Baird

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