Ola minha familia e meu amigos!
Thanks for all the updates of Thanksgiving!! I hope you all stuffed yourselves with Turkey, Football games and a nice big nap after you were all done!
This Thanksgiving we went to the capella and had thanksgiving Lunch :) our zone leaders- the ones from cabo verde helped me and sister Hayes learn how to cook our first chicken and we didn´t have any chairs so we just had a little pic nic on the floor of our capella! :)
and me and sis Hayes treated ourselves and went to Mcdonalds a little bit later that night!
I had amazing thanksgiving serving our lord :)
This week has been a miracle with our investigator named soulza,
he´s been our investigator for the past 3 months and has already been baptized.
we´ve been trying to help him understand that he needs to be baptized by the proper authority who holds the priesthood but he has been having so many doubts...
he hasn´t been reading or praying which is the 2 biggest things that you need to have in order to have a testimony...
so we told him he couldn´t be saved in ignorance.
after this we brought him to read 2 nephi 31! He read this and prayed and on Friday told us he received his answer and feels the need to be baptized! :)
The Book of Mormon is true, prayer is real, and I love this Gospel!!!
Cool thing that happened this week..
I learned how to make KACHOOPA!!!
Phillipe an investigator of our elders got baptized on Saturday and he had a request that we have Kachoopa after his baptism with everyone in the Capella.
Can´t wait to make it for my fam and friends... it´s this African soup thing from Cape Verde and might be one of the yummiest things I have ever eaten!
I´ve been truly blessed to serve in the Capitol of Portugal... I get to meet different people from all over the world and even an opportunity to teach a little bit in French.
We had our mission conference this week with Elder Dyches from the quorum of the 70.
He spoke to all of the missionaries around the zones in Lisboa this Saturday in mine and Sis Hayes Capella.
Our capella is beautiful covered in artistic tile and is the first capella in all of Portugal. and Elder Dyches loved it.
Some missionarys around me were surprised I had my own ward. Some missionarys barely have a branch that has around 6 people in it.
I feel so blessed with the missionary opportunities I have right now and it makes me want to strengthen the ward that I do have even more.
Happy 2nd of December!!
Love you all!!
com amor~
Sister Baird
other things this week..
ºPortuguese lady pulled sister Hayes Hair when we were laughing on the bus.. They don´t like it when people talk on the busses..
and. haha sometimes people think there´s something wrong with us because we smile and laugh to much.
º the worst that can ever happen is when someone calls you "too young" and that I you don´t know anything.
º our gangster friends we teach on the streets everyday have a desire to be more righteous.... Success!!
One thing I want more of... Pictures! Especially of Ty, Leila and Orrin and Bryan. Please and Thank you :)
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