to hear from my Beautiful family!!!!! :)
I've come from wanting fancy new toys on Christmas to just wanting to hear my fams voices!!
alright cuties!!
Who would/ve thought :)
This week hasn't been a ton just getting everyone prepared for Christmas!!
We had our ward Christmas party this week!
it was too great.. this whole week me and sister Hayes worked on trying to get everyone we came in contact to come to this Christmas party.
all our investigators and their kids came and it was such a blast.
ha here they like to dance.. so everyone was danced and after all of the kids got Christmas presents!
I loved watching their faces when they all opened them!.... My favorite :)
We had a man named Wolf come from Switzerland and he moved here because him and his wife got seperated.
he came to portugal for work but still doesn't speak and portuguese and hasn't made very many friends
so when we invited him to the party he was thrilled! He's looking for a change in his life and he loves everything about our church! Just need to figure out this whole Portuguese language barrier.
Our Mission president and Sister Fluckiger came to our ward yesterday just to overlook everything and afterwards we got to talk to him
sister Fluckiger goes you sisters are right in the middle of Lisboa, we only put the best sisters here. Thanks for all of your work!!!
Ah BEST compliment ever. Probably the most generous compliment we've ever received!
This week I've been looking at all those who need love in their life and who me and sister Hayes can go visit on Christmas..
We have a lot of people here who don't have any families and we're really excited to see them and try and make their day this Christmas.
Please think about all those at home who may need help as well this Christmas. Show a little bit more kindness and love and don't let the worry of stress and perfection get in the way..
Always keep the true meaning of Christmas in Mind!
Read Mosiah 4:21-27 and look for ways of helping someone throughout the day.
and also keep in mind that "it must needs be done in mine own way" D&C 104:16
Or else our efforts to help may actually hurt them.
Look to help a family in need or someone in need of something simple throughout the day. (Carrying grocierys etc.)
I'm so greatful of our savior. He's the way the truth and the light and remember his example he set during this Christmas season. I love you all and am so excited to get to talk to you all on Christmas!
You are all amazing!
Com amor,
Sister Baird
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