Hannah Missionary Photo

Hannah Missionary Photo

Week 23 - Not Homesick for the Cold!


Hi first... I Love You! :) 

I hope all is well over there in the states! I was at a members house for lunch one day this week and she wanted us to watch the news because it´s like Ice Age over there! 
We saw a video of a guy in New York with a pot of boiling water who threw it all up in the air and it turned into snow before it fell to the ground! That´s unreal! 

So Domingos didn´t want to get baptized this week. We are still working with him but he´s going back home to Guinea Baisseu soon and they don´t have any Lds churches over there so he just says he doesn´t want to get baptized if there´s not any churches that he can practice his relgion in ... That´s definitely robbing him of his blessings he would receive if he did get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost so... we´re still working with him. We´ll see what happens. 

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