Hannah Missionary Photo

Hannah Missionary Photo

Week 34 - General Conference


I´m sorry I don´t have very much time!!! 

I really just want to say how AMAZING this weekend was with conference. I felt the spirit so strongly, I want all of you to re-read the talks. First have questions and then seek answers. I know that through the words of our living prophet and apostles you may be able to find them. 
Next I want you to make goals or plans to do something with the answer you received. It´s not until after the trial of our faith that we receive a witness. When you get an answer or inspiration of what you know you should do, DO it. Just as is said in the scriptures :  whether by mine own cvoice or by the dvoice of my eservants, it is the fsame.  
When you receive an answer from a conference talk, act upon it as if God himself is speaking to you.

 I had so many incredible experiences this week with me and my comp sister Warburton. I love that girl. She only has one more week left of her mission and then she´s going back to England. 

Thank you for all of your prayers and love,

I do this for all of you, I love you so much!

Sister Baird

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